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How To Use Pepper Spray?

How To Use Pepper Spray?

Posted by Police Magnum on Nov 21st 2022

How to use your Flip Top Pepper spray Keychains? Having pepper spray is a great non-lethal self defense tool, but being able to confidently use your spray is just as important!The Police Mag … read more
Best pepper spray for women?

Best pepper spray for women?

Posted by Police Magnum on Aug 25th 2022

Everyone has the right to defend themselves, and you always want to be prepared as a dangerous situation can arise quickly. Police Magnum provides a range of pepper spray keychains for extra safety yo … read more
How Is pepper Spray Made?

How Is pepper Spray Made?

Posted by Police Magnum on Jul 11th 2022

Pepper spray is made using oleoresin capsicum which is a natural oily resin that is found in a variety of peppers. This is where the term OC spray comes from. Police Magnum pepper spray is a highly ef … read more
Which Affiliate Marketing Is Best?

Which Affiliate Marketing Is Best?

Posted by Police Magnum on Jun 27th 2022

Police Magnum is now offering one of the best affiliate marketing programs where you can earn uncapped income online 24/7 and 365 days a year!First, what is affiliate marketing? it is when someone pro … read more