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Which Affiliate Marketing Is Best?

Which Affiliate Marketing Is Best?

Posted by Police Magnum on Jun 27th 2022

Police Magnum is now offering one of the best affiliate marketing programs where you can earn uncapped income online 24/7 and 365 days a year!First, what is affiliate marketing? it is when someone pro … read more
Pepper Spray Can Sizes?

Pepper Spray Can Sizes?

Posted by Police Magnum on Jun 7th 2022

A BUYER'S COMPARISON GUIDE Pepper Spray is a good method of self defense for a number of reasons from offering safety from a distance, non-lethal protection and a cheaper alternative to guns- Wit … read more
When does pepper spray expire?

When does pepper spray expire?

Posted by Police Magnum on Apr 26th 2022

All Police Magnum pepper sprays contain a minimum of 4 years expiration date. Our models are manufactured in small batches to ensure every order is shipped with the full shelf life. You can see all of … read more
Is pepper spray allowed on planes?

Is pepper spray allowed on planes?

Posted by Police Magnum on Feb 10th 2022

Can you take pepper spray on an airplane? A common question often asked by many. The simple answer is yes, BUT ONLY IN CHECKED BAGS! You can pack 1 pepper spray canister up to 4 fl. oz, … read more