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How To Use Pepper Spray?

How To Use Pepper Spray?

Posted by Police Magnum on Nov 21st 2022

How to use your Flip Top Pepper spray Keychains? Having pepper spray is a great non-lethal self defense tool, but being able to confidently use your spray is just as important!The Police Mag … read more
Is pepper spray allowed on planes?

Is pepper spray allowed on planes?

Posted by Police Magnum on Feb 10th 2022

Can you take pepper spray on an airplane? A common question often asked by many. The simple answer is yes, BUT ONLY IN CHECKED BAGS! You can pack 1 pepper spray canister up to 4 fl. oz, … read more
Why Pepper Spray Is Good? Running Safety Month

Why Pepper Spray Is Good? Running Safety Month

Posted by Police Magnum on Nov 15th 2021

Having an active lifestyle is an important factor to lead a fulfilling and healthy life from both from a physical and mental stand point. This has become even more evident in recent times with many pe … read more